"I have found that techniques and practices of energy medicine offer healings that are often quicker, safer and more effective than many better known healing practices."

- Jed Diamond, Founder of MenAlive


The scanner detects your body’s responses to nearly 7000 items, identifying deficiencies, excesses, abnormalities, sensitivities, vulnerabilities and susceptibilities. A computer programme generates a list of stress factors in order of importance, so you can see exactly what is causing your body stress. Using the results of the initial scan, it is possible to do more focused testing on specific organs and body systems to detect dysfunction and toxicity in that particular area.

        Some of the tests done during the LIFE scan:

        • Hypersensitivity testing for allergies
        • Food intolerance testing
        • Microbe testing – parasites, viruses, bacteria etc
        • Hormone level readings
        • Toxicology – fertilisers, pesticides, weed killers, cosmetics, medication, heavy metals
        • Disease susceptibilities – which illnesses you could develop
        • Vitamin & mineral, amino acid, fatty acids, enzyme levels
        • Emotional trauma, conflicts & challenges
        • Organ analysis – liver & kidney function, circulation assessment, heart valve review etc
        • Geopathic stress analysis – electromagnetic fields caused by underground water, mineral deposits, geological fault lines etc
        • Radiation effects – from mobile phones, microwaves, wifi, pylons etc
        • Chromosomal & genetic abnormalities
        • Spinal scan & adjustment - inflammation and pain
        • Injury / trauma to bones and muscles
        • Dental, TMJ
        • NLP (neuro linguistic programming)


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Nutrition Profile