Patients with the following conditions have responded well to homeopathy:
- Acute illnesses
- Autism
- ADHD (hyperactivity)
- ADD (concentration difficulties)
- Allergies
- Anxiety
- Asthma
- Bedwetting
- Behavioural problems
- Bullying
- Colic
- Recurrent cold sores
- Croup
- Delayed development
- Eczema
- Ear infections
- Exam nerves
- Glue ear
- Hay-fever
- Recurrent infections
- Learning difficulties
- Low self-confidence
- Migraines
- Molluscum
- Nightmares
- Panic attacks
- Refusal to take medicines
- Separation anxiety
- Sleeping difficulties
- Stuttering
- Tourettes Syndrome
- Temper tantrums
- Ill effects of vaccinations
- Vitiligo
- Warts