Homeopathy can benefit everyone – infants, toddlers, children, teenagers, couples planning a pregnancy, pregnant women, menopausal women, stressed business executives, chronically ill people, elderly people. Patients who are taking medication from their doctor can also benefit from homeopathy, as remedies can be safely taken alongside medication. Homeopathy can be used to support patients on a programme of intense treatment, especially to reduce the toxicity or side-effects of strong drugs.[1] It is useful for providing post-surgical pain relief too.[2] Remedies can also be used for emotional support during a difficult life crisis, after a loss or bereavement, after shock or trauma etc.[3] For more information on specific benefits please click on the links to the right. Homeopathy is a complementary form of medicine and is not a substitute for all other forms of healthcare. Each case is assessed individually and in some cases, it may be necessary to refer you to your GP for further investigations or conventional treatment.
[1] Hoffmann, D, The New Holistic Herbal. Third Edition. Dorset : Element Books, 1990.
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